Life Cycle

A female is able to give birth at the age of 4-5. Males are sexually mature at the age of 5. A female gives birth to about one baby every 2-5 years. The gestation period for a baby spider monkey is about 226-232.
They are born completely black and are black for the first 6 months of their lives. Then they start to show their true adult colours. They depend on their mother's milk for about 2 years. They first cling onto the front side of their mother, then after about five months, they ride on her back. Spider Monkeys 24-50 months old never ride on their mother's back but they spend their time exploring, grappling, chasing or jumping on others. They play with others with the same age or with adults. 
In captivity, they live for about 33 years, in the wild, about 27 years.